2014年6月12日 星期四















Fundamentals of supporting and maintaining the Sangha

/By Ven Kai Ren





The Three Refuges (or Triple Gem, Three Jewels) – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are the most important values in Buddhism. Should there be not the Three Refuges, the Buddha’s true teaching would not remain existed today. Accordingly, a Buddhist would not be considered a genuine Buddhist if one does not understand the meaning of the Three Refuges.


Buddha is the physical reflection/expression of Dharma; Dharma refers to the universal principle of life and the universe; and Sangha is the community of practitioners who follow the footpath of the Buddha. Sangha, the main subject of this essay, includes noble monks and ordinary monks- all those who have shaved their heads bald, abandoned the mundane life and taken refuge in the Three Refuges. The Sangha bear holy responsibility for spreading Dharma and maintaining Buddha’s true teaching, and lay Buddhists’ support is the crucial foundation for the mission.  Therefore, lay disciples must learn how to properly support Sangha members, especially the ordinary monks/nuns, so that the Sangha may effectively keep the true teachings alive in the world.


The essay discusses 10 principles for maintenance of the Sangha and the proper interaction in the perspective of laypeople: 1. Observe merits, not shortcomings; 2. Make four kinds of offerings; 3. Refrain from meaningless speech; 4. Keep appropriate distance; 5. Provide righteous suggestions; 6. Observe ethics of Buddhism; 7. Seek the Dharma; 8. Rely on the teachings and not on the person; 9. Continue the Buddha’s teaching; 10. Practice diligently to attain enlightenment.


