2014年6月17日 星期二





《大智度論》卷241 序品〉:「佛知是人應得如是禪,知是人失禪受五欲,知是人受五欲已還得禪,依是禪得阿羅漢。」(CBETA, T25, no. 1509, p. 238, c23-25)


《大智度論》卷151 序品〉:「復次,思惟觀空、無常相故,雖有妙好五欲,不生諸結。譬如國王有一大臣,自覆藏罪,人所不知。王言:「取無脂肥羊來,汝若不得者,當與汝罪。」大臣有智,繫一大羊,以草穀好養;日三以狼而畏怖之,羊雖得養,肥而無脂。牽羊與王,王遣人殺之,肥而無脂。王問:「云何得爾?」答以上事。菩薩亦如是,見無常、苦、空狼,令諸結使脂消,諸功德肉肥。」(CBETA, T25, no. 1509, p. 169, b4-11)















Fundamentals of supporting and maintaining the Sangha

/By Ven Kai Ren


2. Make four kinds of offerings


During the Buddha’s time, Sangha members received only 4 types of dana (offering): clothes, food, bedding, and medicine. They must not receive dana to satisfy desires or for a living; one meaning of ‘Bikkhu’ is ‘beggar’, so they should not waste time in making a living. Their primary mission is to practice the Dharma.


If laypeople wish to make offerings, it is good to inquire Sangha members’ needs so that the donation can be made appropriately. But this does not mean to ask Sangha members for a wish list, as that would be against the spirit of precepts.  Speaking of precepts, different Buddhism sects have different views and actions on “money”. Theravada keeps the original precepts from Buddha’s time until today, so Theravada Sangha do not touch money; on the contrary, Mahayana Sangha do take and use money. However, we shall not draw a rash conclusion that Mahayana Buddhism are against the basic spirit of the Buddha, because each tradition is evolved from different conditions.


With a view to supporting the Sangha to attain liberation, necessities in the path of cultivation, including the basic needs and expenses for spreading the teachings, should take the priority over any other matter.


The offerings to Sangha members are becoming more diversified in these years. In order to propagate the Dharma and benefit the general public, some of the Sangha build schools, publish magazines and use computers. Since they involve various fields of activities, they may require money as well as various supports to undertake these activities. Therefore, apart from the 4 types of dana mentioned above, laypeople should also provide appropriate offerings in accordance to the needs.    


However, I do not mean that Sangha members can act according to their whims and fancies. Laypeople must not blindly satisfy the requirements of Sangha members, as that will create many problems. For example, the unlimited dana may give rise to unnecessary attachment so that Sangha members may not be able to practice the Dharma peacefully. Additionally, money is wasted if the purpose of propagating the Dharma is lost. Unwise provisions will disturb the Sangha’s virtuousness and will not bring about any merits of offering.


2014年6月12日 星期四

Fundamentals of supporting and maintaining the Sangha
/By Ven Kai Ren
1. Observe Merits, Not Shortcomings
In Buddhism practice, going around with Buddhist teachers is highly emphasized. The Buddha once taught us that going close to virtuous teachers is considered accomplished, meaning that spiritual guides play an indispensable role in the path of practice. Although lay disciples can be as good Buddhist teachers as ordained monks, monastics that have dedicated themselves to the Three Refuges normally assume a leadership role in Buddhism. The responsibility and pressure that come from the leadership, along with one’s own Dharma practice and commitments, are probably heavier than any one ordinary person can take. In other words, living a monastic life is considered immense merit yet requires tremendous determination.
Having this in mind, how do laypeople act properly when approaching ordained monastics? By tradition, the principle is “observe merits not shortcomings”. In reality, however, unless we blindly believe or worship, it is not difficult to discover shortcomings of monastics.  Nevertheless, I am of the view that in order to maintain a good reputation of the Sangha, laypeople should not broadcast the shortcomings of Sangha members unless there is a fundamental infringement. In the case that some Sangha members break fundamental precepts, in order to guard the virtuousness of the Sangha community, laypeople may inform the public to be alert so that the wrongdoer will not go scot-free. However, a healthy Sangha community will take measures to discipline the offender, and laypeople should not question closely and intervene in the Sangha affairs. 
“Observe merits not shortcomings” does not imply to ignore the deterioration of the Sangha; on the contrary, it means to help the wrongdoers restore the virtuousness. This requires kindness towards Sangha members who have done wrong. Furthermore, building an effective means of communication with the Sangha is essential so that laypeople will not unknowingly make the mistake of slandering the Sangha.  















Fundamentals of supporting and maintaining the Sangha

/By Ven Kai Ren





The Three Refuges (or Triple Gem, Three Jewels) – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are the most important values in Buddhism. Should there be not the Three Refuges, the Buddha’s true teaching would not remain existed today. Accordingly, a Buddhist would not be considered a genuine Buddhist if one does not understand the meaning of the Three Refuges.


Buddha is the physical reflection/expression of Dharma; Dharma refers to the universal principle of life and the universe; and Sangha is the community of practitioners who follow the footpath of the Buddha. Sangha, the main subject of this essay, includes noble monks and ordinary monks- all those who have shaved their heads bald, abandoned the mundane life and taken refuge in the Three Refuges. The Sangha bear holy responsibility for spreading Dharma and maintaining Buddha’s true teaching, and lay Buddhists’ support is the crucial foundation for the mission.  Therefore, lay disciples must learn how to properly support Sangha members, especially the ordinary monks/nuns, so that the Sangha may effectively keep the true teachings alive in the world.


The essay discusses 10 principles for maintenance of the Sangha and the proper interaction in the perspective of laypeople: 1. Observe merits, not shortcomings; 2. Make four kinds of offerings; 3. Refrain from meaningless speech; 4. Keep appropriate distance; 5. Provide righteous suggestions; 6. Observe ethics of Buddhism; 7. Seek the Dharma; 8. Rely on the teachings and not on the person; 9. Continue the Buddha’s teaching; 10. Practice diligently to attain enlightenment.