2010年11月9日 星期二











佛是法的體現者,法是普遍的理則,僧是追隨佛之足跡欲體證法的修行者。此文欲探討之課題,以僧為主要對象,然而此僧的定義非囿限於賢聖僧,廣義的說,凡剃除鬚髮丶舍俗出家者,皆應可稱其為僧之一員。 就因為有這一層面的意義,所以身為佛弟子的我們,不得不知道如何護持僧眾,才能真正實現僧在法在之目的,使僧團真正的發揮住持正法丶續佛慧命之功效。






The Fundamental Knowledge in Safeguarding the Sangha Members(一)

By Ven Kai Ren





The Triple Gem – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha is the most important value in Buddhism. Buddha Dharma would lost its significance without the Triple Gem. A person shall not be considered a genuine Buddhist if he or she does not understand the meaning of Triple Gem.


Buddha is the physical reflection/expression of Dharma. Dharma is the general principle while Sangha is the practitioners who follow the footpath of the Buddha and materialize the Dharma. The main target of this topic is Sangha. The definition of Sangha does not mean the holy monks alone and in general speaking, those who have shaved their heads bald, abandoned the mundane life and taken refuge under the Triple Gem may be considered as Sangha members. As followers of the Buddha, there is a need for us to know the ways to safeguard/protect the Sangha members in order to materialise the objective of having Sangha members in the Dharma. The enlightened holy monks who have cut off the cycle of rebirth may not need the material and financial help of lay Buddhists but not the ordinary monks. Therefore, there is a need for lay Buddhists to grasp hold of the concept of safeguarding the Sangha members wholeheartedly so that the Sangha members could accomplish their mission in spreading the genuine Buddha Dharma.


This topic will be divided into 10 points/parts as follows: 1. Observe Merits Not Shortcomings; 2. The four offerings for a monk; 3. Keep away from empty talk; 4. Appropriate distance; 5. Proper Suggestions; 6. The logical concept of Sangha members and lay Buddhists; 7. Hanker for Dharma; 8. To rely on the Dharma, or truth itself , and not upon the false interpretations of men; 9. Continue with the life of Buddha; 10. To get enlightened together.



